Trees are critical urban infrastructure that are essential to public health and well-being. Tree Equity Score was created to help address damaging environmental inequities by prioritizing human-centered investment in areas with the greatest need.
In "Mapping the Path to Tree Equity," a short documentary by American Forests, follow Leandro's journey as he leads a community-driven movement in Providence, RI and uses Tree Equity Score to address unequal tree distribution.
Anyone can use Tree Equity Score to chart a course of action. Join the movement to advance Tree Equity in urban communities nationwide and contribute to creating greener, safer and more resilient cities.
Tree Equity Score measures how well the critical benefits of urban tree canopy are reaching those who need them most. The score establishes an equity-first standard to guide investment in communities living on low incomes, communities of color and all those disproportionately affected by extreme heat, pollution and other environmental hazards.
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Join the movement to protect and restore urban forests
Urban communities require trees as essential infrastructure to support public health and climate resilience. According to our estimations, we need to plant and grow 500 million trees and protect existing urban tree infrastructure to achieve Tree Equity across America.
Made possible with tree canopy provided by
American Forests
1220 L Street, NW,
Suite 750
Washington, DC 20005